What is a Light Community?

A Light Community is a family of worshipers who leverage their lives as missionaries to make Jesus known where God has placed them.

What Does a Light Community Do?

Everything a Light Community does flows out of who we are: familyworshipers and missionaries.

As family, we view each other as brothers and sisters because God is our Father and Jesus is our Saviour. This means we strive to know each other well, so we can love and serve each other well. We eat meals together, have fun together, bear each other’s burdens and celebrate each other’s victories and joys! We seek to speak the gospel truth into each other’s lives and spur each other on in our faith in Jesus. We help each other when we are in need, we pray for each other and we strive to put the needs of our brothers and sisters ahead of our own. We invite others to be part of our family, and to experience the love of our Father. 

As worshipers, we regularly gather to enjoy God together. Our Light Communities meet weekly in homes for DNA Nights (Discover, Nurture, Apply) for prayer, singing, reading/applying the Bible and enjoying fellowship over refreshments. We also meet informally throughout the week to encourage each other in our walks with Jesus. Usually this means small “huddles” exist within a Light Community. These “huddles” of people strive to keep each other accountable and spur each other on in Christ.

As missionaries, we believe we are sent to make Jesus known in a particular place where there is no consistent gospel witness. We are intentional about loving and serving our neighbours and sharing the good news of Jesus with them.

To connect with the Light Community nearest you, please email us: info@citylightwinnipeg.ca